The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36929   Message #515927
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Jul-01 - 11:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Space program - real or faked?
Subject: RE: BS: Space program - real or faked?
Yeah. I'd just as soon catch a nasty disease as own a cell phone. As if life wasn't stressful enough already...

I have just finished reading a fascinating book published in 1975 in France by Maurice Chatelain. He was a top level NASA scientist, involved at a high position in the Apollo space program, from its inception right through to the final missions.

The book is full of technical and mathematical details that are too much for me to deal with, since I'm more of a philosopher than a scientist...but here's the kicker:

Chatelain states, with no doubt whatsoever, that every single one of the American space missions was shadowed at either close range or longer range by alien spacecraft. That those craft were clearly observed, tracked, and photographed on numerous occasions by the astronauts (names and occasions are given, as to when and by who). That the astronauts sometimes referred to the presence of alien vessels as "Santa Claus", so as to not alert the public (they made it sound kind of like a cute joke). That Mission Control enforced absolute silence on the astronauts, as far as making any public statements about these incidents, so as to avoid "causing a general panic" (presumably...hell, I would have celebrated!). That Appollo 13 was probably disabled deliberately by one of these alien craft because it was transporting a nuclear device to the moon in order to do seismic testing there...and evidently the aliens decided that that was not permissible. Apollo 13 had to abort and return early to the Earth.

Now take a deep breath and think about it. Then don't bitch and complain to me...just read the book, if you can find it. It was translated from the French language into English in 1977, and published by Doubleday & Co under the title "Our Ancestors Came From Outer Space". It makes Von Daniken look like a space cowboy. Maurice Chatelain is a very serious and persuasive witness.

If your state of mind does not permit even contemplating this kind of thing, then ignore my post and carry on as usual. There is doubtless nothing out there that they haven't told you all about already, and WalMart has got a great sale on today...


- LH