The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1516   Message #5163
Posted By: Gene Graham
13-May-97 - 12:45 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Bumming Around (Peter Graves)
Subject: Lyr Add: BUMMING AROUND (Peter Graves)
BUMMING AROUND - Recorded by T. Texas Tyler; Jimmy Dean and many others. Words and music by Pete Graves

Got an old slouch hat, got my roll on my shoulder
I'm as free as the breeze, and I'll do as I please
Just a-bummin' around.
I got a million friends, don't feel any older
I've got nothin' to lose, not even the blues
Just a-bummin' around..
Whenever worries start to botherin' me
I grab my coat, my old slouch hat
And hit the trail again, you see.
I ain't got a dime, don't care where I'm goin'
I'm as free as the breeze and I'll do as I please
Just a-bummin' around.

These lyrics and a couple of hundred more country/western/bluegrass/folk classics are
available in "Sing Your Heart Out Country Boy." Available at most book stores for $24.95.