The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37065   Message #516519
Posted By: Brendy
28-Jul-01 - 02:08 AM
Thread Name: Help: The last thing I want to read...
Subject: RE: Help: The last thing I want to read...

I am only like this with people who show equal disregard for the sensitivities of others.

I think you will find...if you do a search on my User Name (a feat well-nigh impossible when you want to check out what Praise has contributed), that I save my sharp 'tongue' for those people who cross certain boundaries with me.

One subject you will never 'hear' me 'raise my voice' in, is the subject that originally brings me here.

And that is music.

Support the oppression of ANY people in ANY part of the world, and you're not my 'kind of guy'

Pontification on subjects that fall into the 'a little knowledge is a dangerous thing - but I think it's kewl, so I'll say it, anyway' category also gets up my nose.

Attacking any of my friends on the Forum (and they themselves know who they are), well, you also go down in my estimation.

So if you were Praise, you would (just out of spite, mind you), deliberately NOT remove me from your mail listings...well what would that say about you, then?

I can't remember you and I ever engaging in argument.
Normally, in those circumstances, I would have nothing to fall out with you over.

But, Melani. I wouldn't do that; my mind doesn't work that way, and it pisses me off that people who invoke Christianity at every turn, would, and do, show an amazing lack of it when it comes to putting it into practice.

I do not want to belong to the 'Click Here and be Saved' mailing list.

If you knew anything about my background, you would know that I have had religion, and all its' attendant miseries up to my back teeth.

I don't want anything to do with religion. It divides and conquers, and affronts my sensitivities, big time.

I don't go marching into other peoples' areas, I have no desire to control anything except my own particular scene. I don't get in peoples' faces, and tell them what they should be doing. I leave people alone.

I'm actually a fairly laid back enough oul bloke when it comes down to it; the kind of fella that would get into something like driving back through the night just to see the sunrise, instead of flying back with the rest of the lads, the next afternoon.

But, see when I see the little narrow minds (a trait, incidentally, that is not prevelant amongst most musicians), and the little wind-up merchants cybernetically pulling the wings off flies, I get pissed off, and I write the way I talk in situations like that.

Most working class kids in Ireland, England, Scotland, and Wales would not be shocked at such utterences. Call it a cultural thing if you want, but if somebody wants to get into my face about something, I'm afraid that they lose control of any part of the situation, there and then.

"If you can't do the time, then don't do the crime"

Or..."You get in my take what I give you"
Not..."I get in your face, and you be nice to me and ask me politely to stop"

Not that kind of guy, I'm afraid, Melani.

I want off her mailing list, and I can't for the life of me figure out why this is such a problem. Any other 'normal' mail has an 'UnSubscribe' line in it.

Are we to be at the spamming mercy of someone who believes that she should be the one to save the day, and not only be the guardian, of our spiritual well-being, but cleft stick in general.

We imparted more spirituality last night than Praise could shake a bible at, and that's my kind of religion.

And that is the way I wish to keep it.

Praise's spam is a distraction to me, and reminds me every time I get one, that she is still out there, insisting that we take notice of her. I don't want her next to near me, and I wont let it go until I get her assurances that she'll piss off out of my inbox for once and for all.

Does that make it any clearer for you, Melani?
