The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37065   Message #516748
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
28-Jul-01 - 03:39 PM
Thread Name: Help: The last thing I want to read...
Subject: RE: Help: The last thing I want to read...
The last thing I'd want to read was that Praise/WYSIWYG/~S~ had put her prayer gangs to work on my behalf. Praise has promised/threatened to PM me, but mercifully so far without delivering, apart from breathlass little apologies that she has been so very busy, busy, busy, but she hasn't forgotten. Just can't imagine why anyone would trust her with an email address, or does she acquire them by sorcery?

McGrath, as explained graphically by Bobbi in the "virus alert" threat, if you're using Windows and OE, you don't necessarily need to open a file attachment to get infected.

Bernard and others who put such touching faith in anti-virus programs need to remember that at any point in time there will always be new viruses around that will defeat the best defences. Gratuitous, self-important gestures like WYSIWYG's will ensure that they propogate before counter-measures have been written.

To anyone whose eggs are all in the Windows/IE basket, good luck - but you're a nassive target, and sooner or later the software vandals are going to zap you bigtime, with or without WYSIWYG's help.