The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37065   Message #517009
Posted By: Brendy
29-Jul-01 - 04:55 AM
Thread Name: Help: The last thing I want to read...
Subject: RE: Help: The last thing I want to read...
Well. whatever about the last thing I would want to read before I pass on, I certainly know that the last thing I wanted to read on a 28 degree C morning with the sun splitting the stones, was sad little cries for attention from one of Mudcat's self-appointed evangelists.

Pah...sorry, are on the wrong track. This is about geeting removed from Praise's mailing list. Whether I show my annoyance by four letter words or by 15 letter words is my prerogative. If she can spam me, I can 'fuck her from a height'

And if you remember far enough back (it's amazing how closely people read between the lines, yet fail to read the actual ones closely enough) I did ask for no discussion; I wanted off the mailing list then..or as I put it at the time..NOW!...You know...GET ME TO FUCK OFF YOUR MAILING LIST!!

Here's one more unsolicited spam mail I received from her:

________________________________________________________________________ From: The Hintons


Cc: Joe Offer ; Brendan McKeever

Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2001 1:52 PM

Subject: Possible E-Mail Abuse Allegation

Dear PenTeleData Abuse Department,

Please be advised that at a public internet forum at which I am an active member in good standing, another member of that forum is threatening to blackmail me through complaints to you about my unsolicited "mailings" to him.

I will be more than pleased to respond with the facts (and documentation of his ongoing harassment of me at that forum), if he does pursue a complaint through you, but we will be out of town until mid-August..

He is alleging that he has informed me privately that he does not desire mail from me, but I have not, to my knowledge, ever received such a private notice or a request to me to be removed from my address book. He may have notified me-- we had a housefire in December and some details may have gotten lost in the aftermath. But I have certainly not intentionally spammed him as he alleges.

I do a lot of group mailing in connection with a number of activities I coordinate and as a member of that community, using addresses provided in good faith and used member-to-member widely throughout that community. I am careful to use addresses discreetly and appropriately, and never for commercial purposes. As a former Red Cross director and as a pastor's wife, I have wide familiarity with boundaries in general and with all the levels of confidentiality there are.

However, I recently upgraded my system, and when sending a mail of that sort earlier this week, I did inadvertently mail to him recently in connection with a verified virus warning-- when I upgraded systems a few weeks ago, the old address book folders did not transfer with all subfolders intact. As a result, his address, which had been segregated in a "Non-pub" folder of addresses of people who do not want to be mailed and/or who have harassed or threatened me, was transferred into my main address book. So when I sent a group mail on BCC he received it and seems to have assumed I was harassing him individually.

My husband and I are people of good reputation, well known in our community for helping, not harming. We would anticipate that any efforts to malign us through PTD will be in vain.

We will be out of town through mid-August and not available to respond until then if a complain is received. Until then I am documenting all of this individual's communications so that they will be available if needed.

A copy to the individual (and to one of the referenced forum's volunteer administrators) is sent with this mail.

~Susan Hinton


PAH...close your eyes for a minute. Pretend you are one of these JoeClones.

Now you are whizzing through the innerspace of the Mudcat servers.
You find wherever I am located.
You see my archive of PMs from other people.
You see one from a member who insists on hurting our eyes with all capitals in her from line.
The PM is dated 12 Dec 00
Well, Pah, If you were a JClone, I would give you my permission to read it.

In fact any Joe, or Clone has my express permission to read it. In it are a few seroius unsubstantiated allegations, plus the qualifier at the end.

Now would want to be very sure...and I mean VERY SURE that you knew what the fuck you were talking about, and without the added knowledge that I KNOW that she is barking as far up the wrong tree as she could possibly imagine....because I KNOW, my man.....I know the FULL STORY...and I don't give a fuck who you are, but you don't.....

Joe. You (if you want to, mind you), can delve into that message if you want, and confirm for me (again, if you want to), and to the assembled masses here, that she was planning to do this, and would cut off any E.mails I would send her back complaining about this, by forwarding my mail on to anybody she chose.

Praise is wrong about a couple of things...I never claimed to have asked her PRIVATELY to desist. That would be a bit counter-productive, wouldn't it? If she is going to document 'all of this individual's communications', there would little sense in it, would there?, and jackass or no, there's one thing I am not...and that is stupid.

I publish these PMs only because there is a new mailing list, now. One which Joe Offer and I seem to be the persent recipients.

And I have said that I don't want any mails from her.
(There is no 'blocked senders' field, that I have seen in the architecture of the Mudcat Private Messages section)

Purely conjectural, here, but if I decided to start a mailing list, and arbitrarily add people to it...what's to stop me? Or Fionn, for instance (no offence, man), or kat (again, darlin' offence). Anybody, in fact.

But do you get the drift?

Spam from 'Ikea Customer Services Department' (God Forbid!), or whatever, can be dealt with.

I am running the E-business part of a 3D business that is owned by a mate of mine, and I get attachments like 'joke.exe' all the time. I'm running Office XP, and automation is the sweetest thing, believe me. I get shitloads of spam every hour, for chrisssakes, that I have no control over. That sirc virus has been in and out of here since it started, and there's people in and out of here who know their stuff a hell of a lot better than I do, who check this yoke, here on a daily basis for trojans and spybots, and all sorts of nasty things....

But I can't go off to some of these wankers and say..."Excuse me..can you take yourself and the rest of your fucking spam mail, and not kindly at all, Fuck OFF", because I don't know who any of these assholes are. They're from Taiwan, Argentina, Malawi, The Seychelles, for God's sake.

Praise is here..I can contact her here....and I did...78 posts back.

I also did it a few months ago...publicly.

I want NO intimacy or privacy with Praise, whatsoever. I do not send her PMs, and I don't want her to send me details of what she's up to, where she's been, where she's going, what she thinks I need.

If we were in a pub, and that was me getting into some woman's face, despite repeated 'Fuck offs' from the lady in question, I'd end up with a baseball bat or golf club over the back of the head.

And do you know something....I'd deserve it!

