The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36907   Message #517198
Posted By: GUEST,Allan and Susie Walton
29-Jul-01 - 01:26 PM
Thread Name: Champlain Valley FF: schedule
Subject: RE: Champlain Valley FF: schedule
We went to Champlain Valley last year for the first time and thought it was the best folk festival we've ever been to. Now, it's just 5 days away and we can't wait.

Tom Paxton and Anne Hills are both favorites of ours so we're thrilled to see that they'll be performing together. We're also eager to hear Sarah Lee Guthrie with Tao Rodriguez-Seeger. We saw both of them with Pete and Arlo at Tanglewood when they were teenagers.

Vermont, here we come!

Allan and Susie