The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37065   Message #517302
Posted By: GUEST,publius
29-Jul-01 - 04:48 PM
Thread Name: Help: The last thing I want to read...
Subject: RE: Help: The last thing I want to read...
One has to question the mental health & stability of a self-proclaimed "Christian" who maintains a Nixon-style enemies list( presumably to forward to the Lord so that He may appropriately smite the wicked, or at least those she so designates?), persists in sending messages to someone who has repeatedly requested she not do so, and continually spews her personal brand of religious garbage where it has been made manifest t is not appreciated or welcome. Is she unbalanced? infantile? or, like the majority of religious nut-cases in the world, simply unable to desist from doing what she mistakenly sees as "God's Work"- as with the Nazi belt buckle, emblazoned proudly "Gott Mit Uns". Whatever the cause,I pity her husband's congregation.

Let us pray: Dear Lord, protect us from your followers! Particularly the more deeply disturbed ones.

Name witheld to avoid Praise, the Oracle of Holy Spam.