The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37112   Message #517390
Posted By: CarolC
29-Jul-01 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: Murder at the Folk Festival - II
Subject: RE: Murder at the Folk Festival - II
The pair sat at the edge of the water. Warmed by the sun from behind and cooled by the gentle waves washing over their bare legs, they watched schools of little fish darting about in the shallows.

"Flim Flam," said the woman, "I think I could stay right here for just about ever. Too bad they don't have waiters on this beach, though. I could use a drink."

Flim Flam nodded and smiled. "Yeah. Some tea would be nice, too." He thought for a bit, and then his expression grew pensive. He looked at the woman and said, "I'm worried about Giovanni. What have you done to protect him and your other close family members?

"Giovanni?" she said. She smiled. "You know, he turns eighteen today. He's a good son." She thought about the bright future she could see stretching before him. "He has so much potential. He'll bring good things into this world." Her expression turned serious. "If anything happens to any of my family members or anyone I care about, Uncle Philip or one of his associates will release the information to the authorities."

She swirled the water with her toes, and the little fish darted away, a hundred little flashes of silver catching the sun in one synchronized movement.