The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37030   Message #517565
Posted By: GUEST,Dewey
30-Jul-01 - 07:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cuba
Subject: RE: BS: Cuba
Never been to Cuba either. I do know that it is an Authoritian Regime, without any legitimate voter privileges, religious freedom, freedom of association, political discourse, freedom of travel, freedom of the press based on several articles adopted straight from the Stalinist constitution. When Castro took over in 1959, he seized complete and absolute control over the newspapers and radio. He established the OSS Office of State Security and the CDR (Citizens In Defense of the Revolution) Citizens are daily handed propaganda, and ecouraged to report other dissident citizens to the ruling communist party if they feel their behavior may be at all "unpatriotic" to the goverment. O.S.S. officers tend daily to the task of monitoring street corners, looking for people who might cause trouble or discourse to the system, keeping the streets free of instigation. Children are sent away for months on end during their formative years to sugar plantations to work without pay, and to become youth members of the communist party. Parent are given "visitations" to see their own children, but cannot do so whenever they wish as this is not allowed accept only during allocated times, the plantation are often many miles from the homes of the parents. Children sometimes are forced to fight in wars for Castro in places like Africa, or sent on humanitarian medical projects abroad in other third world nations this too is something that is done without consent or reguard for the individuals or families that are involved. Families are basically subjects of the state and have no individual rights. Churches must apply for a state liscense to run a worship service. "Unlicensed" worship is subject to a FINE or IMPRISONMENT. Imprisonment can occur if the Religion is not approved of by the Communist party but still decides to operate anyway. Cuban has many documented political prisoners that amnesty international and other humanitarian organiztions have been trying to free especially inside jounralists who have chosen to print unflattering articles within the boundaries cuba concerning the government. I am truly amazed that so many people think that this is a model country and the the USA is the bad guy. Sure the health care is nice, but what about the GOVERNMENT OF CUBA. Many men in WW2 have fought and died to defeat such tyrannical governments now a couple of generations later we don't seem to even care about freedom. This is scary! As for China, We don't mess with them because they have resources and are bigger than us. Cuba does not. They are not a threat (anymore) this is true! but they are not exactly Angels either. Doesn't anyone remember the Cold War And the Missiles that were being placed there and targeted at American Cities. Doesn't anyone remember Castros threat the if he had the opportunity he would NUKE New York City! By please visit and you will hear from people who have not only been in Cuba but have lived under the authoritian system as well. You will find there a copy of the Cuban (stalinist) constitution. Read Castro's articles and you will see for yourself the scary parallels in it to the U.S.S.R.) Especially concerning the voting rules and press. By the way I have diabetes and pay for all my meidcations. Sure, they are free in cuba. But if I were there I would not be free! I would rather free than to have free stuff and live with what I have than have to put up with those thoughless tyrannical jerks controlling my life and future. I'm sorry about the mophia that ruled there previously, and today for the people living under the S.O.B. that rules the now. Looking forward to the McDonalds days over there AND GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!