The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37205   Message #518990
Posted By: SharonA
01-Aug-01 - 09:14 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Songs by the Limeliters
Subject: RE: Songs by the Limeliters
Chrisj asks: "With only one of the original trio left (I checked the link) are they really 'THE Limeliters'?"

I saw them in concert last spring, and chatted a bit afterward with original member Alex Hassilev (actually, I mostly listened to him!). The trio made it very clear that they were dedicated to performing in and preserving the style and flavor of the original group's music. Unfortunately, one of the originals (Lou Gottlieb) has passed away (suddenly, as I understand), and Glenn Yarbrough is busy with his solo career, but apparently the musicians who replaced them were carefully chosen with the Limeliter "sound" in mind.

If you can see the present trio in concert, I highly recommend that you do so.... while Hassilev is still with us! The title song of their current CD, "Until We Get It Right!", is a riot (I've already learned and performed that one!). But for classic Limeliters material, you'll probably want to include "Have Some Madiera, My Dear" in your repertoire.