The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37266   Message #519482
Posted By: Bert
02-Aug-01 - 12:28 AM
Thread Name: Why Don't Escalators Work?
Subject: RE: Why Don't Escalators Work?
Ahh! it's a long sad story. It goes back to just after WWII when companies got the bright idea of breaking down the work of skilled trades into small sub-tasks that could be handled by lesser skilled personnel.

So concerned were they with their immediate bottom line that they didn't foresee (or ignored) what would happen.

The skilled trades were lost. Most of the skilled workers now are retired. SO, no one can do anything any more.

Not only were the trades lost, but along with them went the dedication to quality and workability.

Companies now are only concerned that they have a warm body to fill a slot. Whether or not that person can do the job is irrelevant. The game now is not workmanship, it's empire building. An modern organization is judged by the NUMBER of it's employees. No one cares if they can't perform.

So now, no one can do ANYTHING. Just look at the state of the software industry.