The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36486   Message #519671
Posted By: Amos
02-Aug-01 - 10:31 AM
Thread Name: world population day
Subject: RE: world population day
Well, Sledge, I am in agreement with you, and I think that at some level people do reduce the number of their offspring during times of over-dense population, left to their own devices, sometimes.

I think your case should be made to the Pope. There's a power point for you. A moral code born when the desperate need for manpower was a universal concern, before themachine age began, has been elevated to a divine doctrine and shoved down the throats of millions of believers planet wide for centuries. It may well be that a "rational" review of this "divine" policy is in order, eh?

Or would the counter-argument be that God will step in and provide a second planet in due course, taking care of his favorite species in all Creation? Oi!!!!

If i were the Pope I'd load up on stocks in drug companies that produce birth control aids and then announce a divine revelation fromt he Almighty based on the millenial report's statistics.

But I'm not.