The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37288   Message #519996
Posted By: Phil Cooper
02-Aug-01 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Definition of a true gentleman
Subject: RE: BS: The Definition of a true gentleman
My significant other told me this one years ago. A very newly rich man from the United States (aquiring wealth oil drilling from your favorite western oil state) was in London on business. He heard that a proper gentleman should join one of those exclusive buisnessmen's clubs. Having the money to do so, he joined, and was sitting at the bar. Not being used to the rather reserved atmosphere he struck up a conversation with the man next to him at the bar:

"Sir, I would like to make your aquaintance," he drawls, ",may I buy you a drink?"

The other man says: "Oh, alcoholic spirits, I tried some once, didn't like it."

"Then, may I interest you in a cigar.?"

"Oh, tobaco, in my younger days I tried some in India, didn't like it."

"Would you be interested in a game of cards?"

"I played a game of chance in the military, didn't like it. But, my son is coming soon, perhaps you could interest him in a game."

"An only child, I presume?"