The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37293   Message #520119
Posted By: Mrrzy
02-Aug-01 - 09:22 PM
Thread Name: Help: NonMusic: Small boys and sharp objects
Subject: RE: Help: NonMusic: Small boys and sharp objects
Big time anger, and I don't blame him. And familial tendencies to both -and yes, I think he has elements of depression, and indeed, many MANY elements of not-so-borderline personality disorder; the tendency towards the first is mine, and towards the second, his other parent's (which is basically why we aren't still together)... the trick is not to let him grow up like that. Unfortunately, there is really no possibility of taking small bits of time during the other parent's larger segment of time, X2B would never put up with it, and it's not the way the agreement was written... which is also part of the problem. And I don't know what X2B's reaction is when these things are discovered, but if history is any clue, it's anger and withdrawal, which is really not what Timothy needs.

The therapist might not be calling it that, but is doing anger management, since it's one of our big issues.

We do TRY to eat well but Timothy is also on this huge sweets/carbos things (can you say depression) and we get into huge anger things when I won't cave, and I won't - which has been especially hard lately with William going through vats of Edy's Grand French Vanilla... but all this has been going on for months (well, the sharps; the anger has been going on for years), and I made so many efforts to not overburden Tim that he has been really helpful and not worse at all with Willie getting all the attention, I've been very proud of him.

The one thing that my X2B and I keep saying we're going to do, then not doing for various logistical reasons mostly because it's almost impossible, is get each boy to ourselves for a night or so every once in a while, where only one goes and one stays, then next time it can be the other one. Like for instance of the 4 days my X2B isn't working, Willie could go out days 123 and Tim 234, then they'd have some 2-boy time and each would have some one-boy time. When I have to take him back to court, as I'm sure I eventually will, I might try to get that into the custody arrangement (not all the time, but some of the time). I might also (on my therapist's advice) want to lobby for sole custody of Tim since he's so psychologically unstable with my X2B andnot with me. Then use that as evidence to get sole custody of William too. Then at least I wouldn't need any bloody letters I don't get when I want to go traveling!

Oh, I forgot to say Thanks, y'all, keep'm coming. Any songs about juvenile delinquents with any humor in them?