I thought Mudcatters would be interested in this:
Condolezza Schwartz, one of the folk legends of the 1960's, goes on trial today for murder, in one of the most bizarre stories of recent times. According to state prosecutor, Henry Thomasina, the folk singer conspired to murder a waitress, Lucky Day, who had discovered that Ms. Schwartz had been orchestrating attacks on herself to boost her ongoing comeback. Related incidents included a knife thrown at Ms. Schwartz during the Coke IBM Sony "Folk Challenge 01'" Concert in June of this year, a spate of gunfire at the July Pepsi AT&T Hump for Hemp "Just Do It, Folkies" Folk Festival in Lmuma City, Wash, and others.
Attornies for Ms. Schwartz, whose new album "Ms. Tambourine Person" sits at the top of the charts along with Janet Jackson, have denied the accusations. They argue that Condolezza Schwartz was suffering "temporary insanity due to comeback fever" and the intense stress from her recent spate of touring. Supporters of Ms. Schwartz, however, believe that she is the victim of a plot by a global conspiracy of oil companies, and point to evidence that at her last concert she was in the middle of singing an anti-oil song, "The Fossils Go Marching On" when shots were fired that injured her bodyguard.
"Free The Folk 1!!" is only one of the signs that have appeared outside the State Courthouse in anticipation of the trial. Longtime Schwartz supporter Craig Giarc. 37, says: "This is the most blatant example of sexism, blondism, and global capitalist powermongering in American History! She is a herone." Not to be mistaken for a misprint of "heroine", Schwartzians have taken to wearing the symbol of a heron as a token of their committment. Ms. Schwartz, who is very tall, thin, and blonde, does bear a striking resemblance to a heron. One follower, dressed in a heron costume, was taken to hospital yesterday morning suffering from heat exhaustion.
During battling press conferences last night, Ms. Schwartz' attorney Dave Whiplash said that she had been particularly comforted by a letter of support from Darlene, the ex Mouseketeer who remains in prison serving a sentence for tax fraud. In the Prosecution side's press conference, Mr. Thomasina suggested that "Condolezza's next album will be entitled "Sing A Song at SingSing." In related news, Ms. Schwartz' record producer, Cosmo Tepperman, says that her latest album, spurred by the sensational television coverage, has gone double platinum in 36 countries. "According to our latest figures," said Tepperman, "Every citizen in Singapore now owns a Schwartz album."
The trial begins today.
Files from local and international correspondents. Check out our Web site for the latest in Schwartz-related topics!