The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37260   Message #520754
Posted By: Richard Bridge
03-Aug-01 - 07:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: The last thing I want to read (2)
Subject: RE: BS: The last thing I want to read (2)
Well I started this thread (actually the previous one) thinking I would not contribute but I now feel I ahve to.

I do not like organised religion, and I've said so publicly on this forum, and Praise and I had a very civilised PM discussion and she has never sent me any unsolicited stuff since.

But she is absolutely entitled to keep whoever's address she likes in her addressbook (and no, the USA does not have the same data protection as Europe which is why EU data prpcessors are barred from sending data tot he USA for processing unless a safe harbour is created).

She seems to have been trying to be helpful, and it seems to ahve been unintentional that she communicated with brendy. We all know, I think, what we think of the children who say "never speak to me again".

Frankly, whatever the provocation (pretty much) Brendy's posts seem to me to be wholly unpardonable, and very largely (if not, perhaps, completely) unjustified.

If anyone does really want to attack the purveyors of organised religion - save it for when they are busy trying to tell people what they can read, what they can do with thier bodies and killing those who try to help in the exercise of those freedoms. Save it for when they are torturing children, emotionally and physically, to teach them "right from wrong". Save it also for teh mullahs and the religious bombers. Save it to help the Afghans. Save it for the maniacs on both sides in and near Israel. DOn't waste your indignation on someone who sent you an intendedly helpful email by mistake.

Praise, I don't like organised religion, but on this issue you're pretty nearly right. Brendy, you're pretty nearly wrong and the way you handled yourself was totally wrong.