The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37335   Message #521126
Posted By: Gareth
04-Aug-01 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: Famed Folk Diva Schwartz Goes On Trial
Subject: RE: Famed Folk Diva Schwartz Goes On Trial
At 3.30 in the afternoon the Honourable Judge had had enough. The humid atmosphere had stuck his shirt to his robe. He was getting tetchy. Murder trials in xxx were not meant to last that long – a quick plea bargain between public defender and prosecutor ……..
And some poor trailer trash went for 99 years in the Washington state pen.

He called the two attorneys up to the bench, "Ain't y'all come to an agreement yet ?, 'Am a' missing my social call on the Mayor and his wife !"

The two attorneys exchanged glances, significantly neither spoke. "Wa'al 'I'am adjourning this here court till 10 in the Morning. You be here then !"

The bulls took Condolezza back to her cell. Here fans and friends in the Court House waved. Serena Davis followed Condolezza's Attorney, Dave Whiplash. In this small town nobody would challenge her right to be there.

The cell was small and whitewashed. Scratched Graffiti marked its walls, proclaiming messages of hope, and despair. More despair than hope. The guards left leaving Condolezza , Dave Whiplash, and Serena alone. The locks slid shut.

"Well", said Condolezza, "Clarence Darrow you ain't, now I know how the Rosenberg's felt."

Whiplash said nothing, his pink embarrassment showed that his ability as a defender was confined to T.V. sound bites for CNN.

Condolezza continued, in a soft but angry Mid west accent, "Lets summarize what's done so far, The prosecution reckons I arranged for that knife to be thrown, by persons unknown, and they can't find the knife ! They say I ordered a hit on Lucky Day for she overheard me talking about it – yet them state police cant find the body, or say how she was killed. – And you, my attorney allowed this past a Grand Jury and there 12 citizens out there deciding if I fry. What sort of lawyer are you Dave? "

"Condolezza dear, I' am paid for by you record company – have you any idea how many bucks this trial in making on your record sales ?"

"Jeeezus," snarled the singer, " Are they going to splash my recording of "Tom Dooley !- Posthumously !"

A memory circuit opened in Serena's mind. " Lucky Day ?? Lucky Day !!!, wasn't she the wom….." " Hold it right there Codolezza – I think this could be your lucky day !". " And mine too " she thought.