The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37393   Message #521252
Posted By: catspaw49
05-Aug-01 - 03:31 AM
Thread Name: Thought for the day - August 5, 2001
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - August 5, 2001
Well Greg......So how the fuck are you man? Been mixin' the formalin with the home brew again huh?

Nah, I keep missing out on the Last Train to Glory....Guess I'm "just not reasonably there" yet. You can keep on hoping though. It's good to have something to wish for, but perhaps your goal has exceeded your grasp in this case.

Cleigh O'Possum sends his best of course and has worked up a nice ass blast just for you. BTW there Slick.....didja' know we got an Icon just for flaming little pissants like yourself? I mean I know we didn't need to and it took Cleigh some getting used to, but we now have "The Little Pissant"....You can check him out in the photo pages. Best thing is that just for you and with you in mind we created a new award for "The Little Pissant" to give out.

We had a contest to name the award and I'm sorry to report that "The Golgarth Award" didn't make the final cut. We went for something more generic since it seemed a bit more workable considering the new little guy's talent. Tell you what, as you were the first pissant it only seems right that you should receive this new award.......Not for these pathetic posts today (I've seen you do SOOO much better), but let's say for past flames you've presented us. Here you go man........


Pretty cool huh? Looks like he whizzes that home brew of yours.......Does it taste about the same? Go ahead and dry off and we can go on........................................Ready?

So where you been keepin' yourself? Looks like you may have done some remedial third grade work as your spelling has improved. It still sucks pretty bad, but anything is an improvement. Or did you get a spell checker? Gotta' tell ya' man, if you paid anything for it, you took a fuckin' and a half! Your HTML is still lookin' good although the strikeout shit you did looks like someone forgot to close the code. Maybe you can get one of the Joe Clones to fix it for you, ya' think? Maybe kat? Or Jeri?...........Yeah, probably not..........Why not stick a note in the Help Forum and see if anyone responds? Probably not much help there either, but what the hell, it's an idea!

I tell ya' Greg, we do miss you around here. No one else has come along to match your rapier like wit........Well, you ain't got a rapier but it sounds good and a lot better than "Toothpick Dick" doesn't it? You know a lot of good shit but you locked in on this persona instead....Like they say, a mind is a terrible thing to waste. I imagine though that you had no choice since you've rotted your brain with formalin and all.

So are you still in San Diego or are you trying to pass off that Phoenix shit again? We have 'Catters in each place and they'd be available to lend a hand if you decide to go the de-tox route. I don't see you going that way myself, but stranger things have happened. Hell, your mother gave birth to you didn't she? Talk about your strange shit.....................Stem cell research has come too late hasn't it? Now THERE was a way you could have been useful!!!

As a friend I do of course need to remind you of the advice I gave you before.....Have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up.....but you just don't listen do you? Oh well, it's still good advice. You do sometimes take advice I know since you're renowned for your courtesy. I've heard that you never butt-fuck a guy without giving him a reach-around too. You're a class act man!

Well it was good to see you Greg and although you say you had to leave 12 hours ago, I'm glad you took the time to throw a little crap our way. Drop by or drop dead anytime......Your choice!!! Ya' know if one of us was in a barrel and the other rolled him down a hill, there'd be an asshole at the top AND at the bottom.

Have a completely fucked up day there bro!!!!
