The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37260   Message #521306
Posted By: Jeri
05-Aug-01 - 09:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: The last thing I want to read (2)
Subject: RE: BS: The last thing I want to read (2)
Richard, I've tried to be as objective as possible, but realise there's still a good deal of opinion in the following. Hopefully, I've made the opinions obfious. If you want me to clarify whether I believe something is fact or opinion, please let me know.

RB: 1. Brendy is making it up (that is to say, he got no such email, or it wasn't infected)

Brendy either could be making it up or could be confused in some way. There's a chance he got WYSIWYG's e-mail mixed up with another one.

RB: 2. Someone "spoofed" WYSIWIG's address, and sent Brendy (accidentally or intendedly) an email purporting to be from WYSIWYG (which may or may not have been infected)

I believe Brendy DID get some e-mail from WYSIWYG. If he got all the information he posted from that particular e-mail, some of it would have been difficult to spoof. If Brendy received a copy of the same mass-mailed message WYSIWYG sent to all of us in her address book, the worm wouldn't have been in only his copy. He may have posted the information from that message and received a separate spoofed message with the infected attachment.

RB:3. WYSIWYG intentionally sent an infected email to Brendy..

It's a possiblility. She would have to disable her anti-virus software, receive an infected file and then manipulate the worm without becoming infected. This is my opinion, but I don't think WYSIWYG has the technical expertise, lack of fear of infection, larcenous nature, motivation, and lack of concern for the consequences required to do that.

The only proof of what really occurred would be the e-mail Brendy received with the infected attachment. Without that, this is all speculation.