The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37260   Message #521310
Posted By: Bernard
05-Aug-01 - 09:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: The last thing I want to read (2)
Subject: RE: BS: The last thing I want to read (2)
I've already had an email conversation with Susan and explained to her how it is possible for a spoof to be achieved.

Clearly I'm not going to make the information public, particularly as it is virtually untraceable and frighteningly easy to do.

Certainly Susan's system was NOT infected when she sent that email, or any other that I have received from her; she is responsible enough not to risk sending infected mail.

It would be best to let the whole thing 'die', as nothing worthwhile is to be achieved by perpetuating it.

This kind of thing is one reason why my visits to Mudcat are very rare these days.