The plumbers repacked the cases, they paraded down the stairs as the Medical Examiner arrived.The ME had a conscience, some months previously he had pronounced Lucky Day dead. She was not. It is a little difficult to be convinced that some one is dead when they are standing up and swearing at the Marshall.
The Deputy, now "Acting Marshall" led the ME into Millers Office . The ME looked at Millers body. "Worst case of accidental death I've seen", said the ME. " Eight entry wounds in the chest alone".
"Doc, there's this letter for you"
The ME opened it, inside a permanent contract to give technical advice on "Quincy" from a Hollywood studio. It was not a hard decision. "Son," he said, "It's definitely an accident. Why old Marshall Miller was so tough that his reflex actions kept him pulling that trigger, and reloading that revolver. And that's what I'am telling the Judge." His conscience appeased the ME signed the paper work.In the Mermaid Lucky retreated into a booth, some one here might recognize her, that might be fatal. The conversation in the bar bounced between the death of Theep Logos, and the trial of Condolezza
"Jaysus", said one folkie, " they say they found Threep's body on 7th Street."
"Yes, and 9th Street, and 11th Street." This was black humour at its worst.The Television broke into a local News Flash " Popular Federal Marshall Miller had been found dead in his office – it was believed that he had died in a gun accident"
The folkies cheered, there was no love lost between them and this, late, Marshall
In the Weekly News Building Condolezza had found a P.C. It had a modem.
Should she tell the MudCatters what was going on ? Would the use of the internet alert the authorities. What had Dave Whiplash written in Serena's note book. Would anybody believe that she was out of Jail and dressed like a flash city lawyer? Would she make the big folk festival to protest against the decision to drill for oil in Gifford Pinchot National Park ?
Behind her a door quietly swung open.
Help I cant keep this going single handed
Gareth - on line again 1900 hrs GMT