The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2933 Message #521974
Posted By: Mr Red
06-Aug-01 - 02:28 PM
Thread Name: Background: StephenFoster's 'Hard Times'
Subject: RE: Background: StephenFoster song
Well I did read the book by his brother and a biography by someone or other and the genesis for Hard Times was Charles Dickens' book. Dickens was taken ill in Pitsburgh (or nearby) whilst on a tour of readings. The Doctor was sent for and he just happened to be the doctor or great uncle or somesuch of SCF. The Doctor wheedled an interview for SCF because he was mad keen on Dickens. SCF lived in Allegheny County. SCF is reputed to have sold several versions of Hard Times for booze money whilst he lived in the Bowrie in NY. I know two singers who sing verses that are not in the copyrighted published version by SCF's normal publishers. The music room at the Bodleain did not have the other version. I will post as soon as I find them. I did send a disk to Dick G about 5 years or more ago as I was not netified then. I don't think they made it to the DT. Not by 1999 anyways. Big Mick the cut verses may well have been the ones he sold later!!!