The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37465   Message #522510
Posted By: Grab
07-Aug-01 - 09:21 AM
Thread Name: Folk Science
Subject: RE: Folk Science
Wilfried, you've missed some important points. A falling hammer will only rarely hit your foot - there's usually something more valuable around to hit, or something fragile (especially something fragile belonging to someone else), or just _someone_ underneath it. Or, in a recently experienced one, it will miss anything that could hinder its downward progress if (a) you're in a position from which it's difficult to get down (eg. up a ladder), or (b) it can fall into a location from which it can't easily be extracted (eg. a holly bush, or next door's Dobermann enclosure).

So if you're up a ladder overlooking next-door's greenhouse, don't even think about bringing anything heavier than a foam hammer with you - the results are almost inevitable...
