The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37465   Message #522634
Posted By: Hollowfox
07-Aug-01 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: Folk Science
Subject: RE: Folk Science
On the selective gravity subject, there was a study done (1967 or earlier) on the Inate Malevolence of Inanimate Objects. It involved dropping slices of bread under as close to identical circumstances as possible, the only difference being whether they were dropped over linoleum or white carpet. The bread landed jelly side down on the carpet more often than the linoleum, statistically more often than random chance would warrent. I heard this in an Anthropology 101 lecture, and the professor is, alas, no longer living, so I can't give a more specific source citation.
For other folk science, how about the practice of burying a statue of Saint Josep head downwards in your yard (USA for "garden") to get a quick sale when you want to sell your house?