The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1520   Message #5227
Posted By: Bert Hansell
14-May-97 - 05:16 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Love Is a Many Splendored Thing
Subject: RE: Love is a many splendored thing....
Uh - Oh! Rodney you've started me off again.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the recent discussions on - what is folk music- and have changed my views somewhat.

I think now that there are three distinct kinds of folk music (or song)

1. Commercial Folk music: that stuff which exists because people make a profit out of singing it.
It consists of records and CDs, singer/songwriter stuff, and a lot of the sixties revival stuff.

2. Academic Folk Music: stuff which has been collected in the past & stuff which is taught in schools.
A lot of people think that this is TRUE folk music.

3. Folk folk music: stuff which survives without academic or commercial patronage.
this is the songs that people are still singing just because they enjoy them. It includes some Country - Popular - Rock - Music Hall - Chamber Music - Classical- etc..

As for creating a parallel forum - that would mean that I would have to set another bookmark:-)
