The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37465   Message #523909
Posted By: Mr Red
08-Aug-01 - 06:54 PM
Thread Name: Folk Science
Subject: RE: Folk Science

bert & Sorcha - those rooms? would they be chat rooms? and as I was going to say........

Sod it....I'll go away & come back when I remembered the question

meanwhile can I chip in with ---- Neatsfoot oil

acheing joints? broken bones? back pain? Then try Neatsfoot oil

folk remedy from the Black Country --- (urban West Midlands of England - to the W by NW of and most definitely not including B'ham).

Rub on affected areas, a little goes a long way.

Sold at all good equestrian centres. Aka Neatsfoot compound

Do NOT acquire from a chemist - their product is raw and rank!!!!!

Any other neatsfooting 'catters out there?