The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37476   Message #524112
Posted By: Áine
09-Aug-01 - 12:41 AM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! - Part 63
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! - Part 63
OK, here is your GG's effort for this Challenge! (which pales considerably in comparison with her darlin' Challenge!rs meritorious melodiousnesses . . . can you tell I've had two glasses of wine??) I just hope that my small offering brings forth the hoped for 'ah gee' effect that I was strivin' for . . .

Would You Like to Sail to the Stars?
(Tune: Would You Like to Swing on a Star by Johnny Burke & Jimmy Van Heusen -- Click here for the tune)

Would you like to sail to the stars?
Even maybe colonize Mars?
Do a crawl of outer space bars?
Or would you rather shoot your spud?

The first shot was scheduled up in cold Nor-o-way,
Where they don't know if it is night or day.
After raiding Momma's kitchen and their Dad's workshop,
Those fair-haired boys could make the taters pop!
And although they didn't make it to the moon,
They did a lot with just a spoon!

Would you like to sail to the stars?
Even maybe colonize Mars?
Do a crawl of outer space bars?
Or would you rather leave like Steve?

Mr. Bennett was a player, that just has to be said,
He claimed he had visions in his head,
His version of a mixer was the hottest in town,
But it wasn't very cool when he hit the ground,
And his wife was heard to say, when he fell flat,
'Steve, would you like fries with that?'

Would you like to sail to the stars?
Even maybe colonize Mars?
Do a crawl of outer space bars?
Or would you rather be a 'Cat?

A 'Cat is a person who is right in the know,
And sure ain't just like your average 'Joe'.
A 'Cat loves to warble, strum, or tickle the keys,
And in the net of ether, a 'Cat is the bee's knees,
So, if you really want to go to 'outer space',
The Mudcat is the only place!

Final Chorus:
The true explorers aren't in the air,
Answer the Challenge!, that's if you dare,
Mirth and music welcome you there,
No need to hang around in bars,
You could be swinging with the STARS!

This one is dedicated especially to our one and only Mad Max, and all my wonderful Challenge!rs, past, present and future.

Le meas is grá, Áine