The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35345   Message #524200
Posted By: InOBU
09-Aug-01 - 08:21 AM
Thread Name: Vanishing Occupations.Street entertainers
Subject: RE: Vanishing Ocupations.Street entertainers
Hi Brother and Sisters of the the Street
The Mercadies request above reminded me of an incident a few years ago... I used to play the pipes for mass every Sunday, as (though I am a Quaker) my wife is Catholic. Well, a certain father Michael, while telling me about why he felt most Roma (Gypsies) don't need our help, told me about a Rom Beggar in Germany, where he was a pastor. He told me he would see the fellow begging on the steps of the church all day, then "caught" him getting into his mercades around the corner.
Well one morning I am tuning the pipes on the church steps before mass. Father Michael askes me if I am getting ready for mass... I point to my open case and tell him, "Nope, I am working on my Mercades!!!"
Hey folks saw LOTS of unlicenced busking in Qubec city the other day, has there been a relaxing of the law up there?
Keep cool, well and wealthy (he said with a chuckle...)
Larry na straide