The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37037   Message #524347
Posted By: Amos
09-Aug-01 - 11:47 AM
Thread Name: From Max: Last Chance for Mudcat Changes
Subject: RE: From Max: Last Chance for Mudcat Changes

I have two programs that can harvest web pages. One of them is Adobe Acrobat 5.0, the other is called WebWhacker. The idea is you point them to a top level page and indicate the depth of reach (levels down along links) and it goes off and captures those pages, so you can read them off line. One of the neat things i was able to do with the Acrobat tool (which does the same thing except makes a PDF file) was to point it to a saved listing of Peter T's Thoughts for the Day, and create a PDF file in which they all were neatly and attractively presented chronologically. He was delighted.

However, when I try to use the same technique on my Sent or Archive lists, it fails because the user access is defined by the Get_Cookie. I know in some web server setups you can acheive access by configuring the URL with http://username:password@site.domain.TLD. But with the 'Cat, only the cookie will do, which is probably a good thing generally.

However, my question is could you make any adjustment so that I could capture my own messages back in batch? I know I can save each one separately as a text file. For example woudl it be possible to provide access using the above passsworded URL format to the personal.cfm routine? Or some other method?

