The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37564   Message #524364
Posted By: ScottyG
09-Aug-01 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: I can't believe it was so easy
Subject: RE: I can't believe it was so easy
I smoked 26 years, tried to quit cold turkey several times and couldn't hack it. One beautiful day 5 years ago, I thought to myself...emphysema runs in the family, and if I don't quit this senseless habit, I won't be around to enjoy such lovely days. I stuck my head in the patio door, told my wife (a non-smoker)I wanted to quit. Without a word, she flew out the door, went to the drug store and bought me the patch. Beyond brief, minor discomfort the first day, I've never felt the slightest urge to light up again. Even surrounded by a cloud of Marlboro smoke at the pub. Of course, I put on about 30 pounds almost immediately. Never knew how good food tasted! For those trying to become an ex-smoker, however you plan to do it, you really have to want to quit. Putting my actual physical addiction to nicotine in the right perspective was key to my success in quitting. I realized it was only the tip of the iceberg. Getting used to not having a cigarette in my hand; not watching the smoke billow in front of me, or not testing my expertise at blowing smoke rings was far more difficult than putting up with periodic waves of nicotine withdrawal, which were greatly diminished, thanks to the patch. Hats off to those who can stop without the patch, gum, or other cessation aid. They ain't cheap! But then, neither are ciggys. (Do they still call 'em "fags" in Scotland?)