The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37564   Message #524484
Posted By: Cappuccino
09-Aug-01 - 02:45 PM
Thread Name: I can't believe it was so easy
Subject: RE: I can't believe it was so easy
"Don't milk the potato?" That's wonderful! I think it's a Cajun phrase for 'don't drop the potatoes', which themselves are allegorical potatoes... Congratulations, David, very well done. And for American catters, may I remind you that while you buy cigarettes in cartons, we buy them in packs of 20. Which is why the rock guitarist Ian Hunter got a strange look when he went to an American shop some years ago and asked for 'Twenty Marlboro'. The guy gave him a funny look and heaved twenty great cartons on to the counter! And who's going to be the first to remind us that we English refer to cigarettes as 'fags'...?

- ian B