The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37563   Message #524642
Posted By: GUEST
09-Aug-01 - 05:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat challenge: 100 word story exactly
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat challenge: 100 word story exactly
Another town. Different people... same story. How many layers would be peeled back this time before being chased off? Again. Only as far as "Hi, how are you" "Not bad, and yourself"? Maybe, "Please come to the dance on Saturday... Melissa's the one to get to know. She'll get you hooked up with the right people".

Or maybe "Tell us about yourself. We want to know your deepest darkest most heartrending secrets. We won't tell anyone. We're troubled and bored and we need to hear about your misery. But you mustn't be happy. Because then we'll have to kill you."