The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37591   Message #524740
Posted By: Justa Picker
09-Aug-01 - 07:29 PM
Thread Name: Pull-offs: Always down? Ever up?
Subject: RE: Pull-offs: Always down? Ever up?
Just finished a little spell with the guitar and was really observing how I do pull offs, since this is something I normally don't think about. Seems that when I'm doing things on the first string I pull down and then upward and away (towards the ceiling) in one fluid motion, but when I'm doing things on the 5th or even 4th and lower strings, I push the string away and upward. Hmmm...I think afterall a while it becomes one of those things to not think too hard about once you've mastered it, or you'll lose your subconscious technique. Margo, master all this stuff you've been writing about, and then play, don't think. :-)
Best of luck in your efforts.