The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37570   Message #524777
Posted By: Bat Goddess
09-Aug-01 - 08:22 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Paddy Doyle
Subject: Lyr Add: PADDY DOYLE
Curmudgeon here.

To me way-ay-ay-uh!
We'll pay Paddy Doyle for his boots!

To me way-ay-ay-uh!
We'll all throw **** at the cook!

To me way-ay-ay-uh!
We'll all shave under the chin.

To me way-ay-ay-uh!
We'll all drink whisky and gin.

While most shanties were interchangeable, depending on the job to be done, the prevailing conditioms, and the mood of the crew, this was the one shanty that was reserved for bunting sail -- no other task.

It has always bothered me that while John Huston sought out Bert Lloyd to be the shantyman in Moby Dick, he didn't bother to seek his advice on the other songs in the film.

Besides, to sing while rowing after a whale would alert the creature as to the impending danger; rowing after a whale was a silent operation. There isnae a birdie tae sing tae the whale -- Tom