The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37563   Message #524850
Posted By: Helen
09-Aug-01 - 11:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat challenge: 100 word story exactly
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat challenge: 100 word story exactly
Lying there, fantasising again, playing it out like a movie in my head. I had it planned to the finest detail, getting revenge on that bullying sociopath, my former boss.

Kidnap him, get him into the van and then to a disused warehouse. Tie him up and hang him by his ankles from the rafters.

Then - this bit always makes me smile - shoot him in the throat, because his voice is his weapon, and let the b*****d bleed to death. Slow and painful.

Aah, sweet revenge!

I woke to the sound of a rope, creaking on a rafter.

***** [Got you all worried now, haven't I?]
