The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37497   Message #524863
Posted By: Amos
10-Aug-01 - 12:05 AM
Thread Name: Songs about boats, No disasters!
Subject: RE: BS: Songs about boats, No disasters!
I will build me a boat of silver -- steer it with a golden oar... (G. Bok)

And about three or four others of his whose names escape me at the moment -- "the Nancy Jean had a new fore truck, 'twas a fine piece o' wood but it wouldn't stay stuck"... and the one about refurbishing the ancient schooner. The Golden Vanity has a fine fight in which the good guys win, so no tragedy there. And "Blow Ye Winds In The Morning" and a hatful of other traditional sea-songs are more about jollies than tragedies, including "Donkey Jacket" (The Banks of Newfoundland), for example. "Whoop Jamboree", "The Walloping Window Blind", "Bound for South Australia"... not a tragic note among 'em.