The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1654   Message #525522
Posted By: masato sakurai
11-Aug-01 - 01:33 AM
Thread Name: Origins: The Raggle-Taggle Gypsy
Subject: RE: The Raggle-Taggle Gypsy
P.S. Here's a list of title-name variants: The Gypsy Davy; Black Cat Davy; Black Jack David; Black Jack Davie/y; Black-Eyed Davy; Balckjack Davy; the Brown-Eyed Gipses; Clayton Boone; Dark-Eyed Gypsy; The Egyptian Davie; Gipsies-O; Gipsum Davy; Gipsy Davie; The Gipsy Laddie; Gyp's Come Tripping O'er the Plain; Gyps of David; The Gyps of Davy; Gypsey Davey; Gypsum Davey; Gypsum Davy; The Gypsy Countess; The Gypsy Daisy; The Gypsy Laddie; The Gypsy Laddies; Gypsy Laddio; Gypsy Lover; Gypsy Rover; Gypsy-O; The 'Gyptian Laddie; Harrison Brady; Harvey Walker; Johnie Faa; Johnny Faa; Johnny Faa, the Gypsy Laddie; Johnny Faw; Johnny the Seer; The Lady and the Gypsy; A Neat Young Lady; The Radical Gypsy David; Raggle Taggle Gypsies, O!; The Raggle-Taggle Gypsies; Seven Gypsies; Seven Gypsies in a Row; Whistling Gypsy; The Wraggle Taggle Cool Cats - Parody; The Wraggle Taggle Gipsies; The Wraggle Taggle Gipsies-O!; The Wraggle Taggle Gypsies; The Wraggle-Taggle Gypsies-O!; The Wraggle-Taggle Gypsies; The Wraggle-Taggle Gypsies, O/Oh!; The Yellow Castle Lady (from Brunnings' Folk Song Index). Let me add some others from Bronson: Lady Cassilles Lilt; The Davy; The Egytian Davy O; It Was Late in the Night When Johnny Came Home; How Old Are You, My Pretty Little Miss; The Lady's Disgrace; The Three Gipsies; Three Gipsies Came to the Door; There Were Seven Gypsies; The Dark-Clothed Gypsy; Draggletail Gipsies; Gipsies of Agee (Egypt) Oh!; The Ragtail Gipsies, Oh!; The Gipsies Came to Lord M--'s Gate; Gipsy Draly; David. Can anyone add more?