The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1520   Message #5258
Posted By: Ralph Butts
15-May-97 - 11:53 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Love Is a Many Splendored Thing
Subject: RE: Love is a many splendored thing....
Peter......I hope its only the last one on this thread, not the LAST one.

As for the problem in general, I think we are seeing a microcosm of the world here. Instant communication is what's happening, and we've only scratched the surface. I think this is major reason the Soviet Union crumbled, for example.

If we're going to prosper in the interconnected world we have to be prepared to deal with a plethora of inputs, many of which will be unpopular and unwelcome. And, it’s going to get worse. Of course, it's possible to become an electronic hermit, but I don't recommend it. Just ask the buggy whip manufacturers. Make’s me grateful that I went into computers, not some of the other things I had considered.

Eventually, technology improvements will help us to filter those inputs but, for now, it’s up to us. In the meantime, I say live and let live, use the gong freely, and stay away from double-digit threads that are off your chosen topics.

Hang in there, Peter. Illegitimi non carborundum…….Tiger