The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36385   Message #527200
Posted By: Gareth
13-Aug-01 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
I have been following this saga with some interest.

We have statements that all possible avenues have been explored - fine I an sure that the suits have done their digging - for various non folk music reasons I am going into Companies house Cardiff in the next week or two to do some digging. Could I have some info from catters on Celtic Music / Dave Boulmer.

It doesn't matter how trivial or petty or disconnected it may be. Its when you put it all together that the result may come on top

Question - Boulmer ?? known associates and thier rough addresses ???

Qustion - Celtic Music ?? Known associated companies or organisations.

Question - Celtic Music known bankers ??

Question - The Scotish shop ?? Name ?? Address ?? Rough date of closure ??

If confidential or embarrasing or libelous please use PM - if need be request that I Incinerate off my hard disc. I have a couple of very good file shredders.

I can not promise a result but lets see what there is, and see if it can be legally used.
