The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8485   Message #52795
Posted By: Big Mick
08-Jan-99 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: What does a mudcatter do?
Subject: RE: What does a mudcatter do?
Thank you for the compliment, I took it that way to begin with. One of the presentations that I do for various Irish American clubs is on James Connolly. He is, of course, quite a hero to those of us of Irish heritage in the States, who also happen to be part of the labor movement. A acquaintance of mine who is an author and lives in Dublin, tells me she lives near James Larkin, grandson of Big Jim. I have meant to send him snail mail, he doesn't have a computer, and let him know that his Grandda is not forgotten in the States. Morgan tells me that she thinks he would enjoy that.

Slan go foill,
