The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8485   Message #52869
Posted By: Career & life planning, part-time lots of things
08-Jan-99 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: What does a mudcatter do?
Subject: RE: What does a mudcatter do?
Hi I'm trying to get my business into income generating mode - harder than I thought it would be, but still sticking to it. I am helping people who are hit by their mid-life career crisis, with that total life-rethinking thing that seems to hit us all sooner or later. I also tutor classes in management subjects at university, and pick up temporary and part time work where I can to keep myself alive while I'm getting the business going.

Before that, in reverse chronological order:

Organisational development consultant for local government councils Worked on a special project for identifying competency standards for a local council Worked on a cultural project A Best Practice Facilitator A branch librarian/manager - for 15 years - trapped in a job which I didn't want in the first place, but couldn't seem to get out of, so I went off on the organisational development tangent - became a committee member on every available workplace change committee at work, (as a Union representative - Hi, Mick!)and that gave me a lot of relevant, hands-on experience to apply for the consulting job. Studying for my business/admin degree helped too. Part-time teacher at technical college for a few years Before that a high school teacher for 5 months - not my scene at all, but the teacher training & experience was useful later

Hobbies/interests etc: *all* sorts of music - not a lot that I don't like. I want to spend some more time learning to play African drum - diversifying from the Celtic lever harp art/pastel painting/computer graphics trying to figure out what makes people tick etc etc etc - I'm a typical Gemini, multitasking is the only way to live
