The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37732   Message #529736
Posted By: M.Ted
16-Aug-01 - 07:56 PM
Thread Name: What song just drives you crazy?
Subject: RE: What song just drives you crazy?
Well, OK, I am sorry then, and you are back in my good graces--though there is probably someone else opening envelopes for a very low rate of pay, getting depressed everytime they get something from you. Really that was the thing, too, sitting in some windowless office, breathing recycled air and being abused by complete and anonymous strangers--one of the less well known aspects of the American experience--anyway-

Keep in mind that this stuff is bulk mailed, a lot of it was postcard packets, generally to the subscriber lists of magazines--since most of our books were controlled circulation(which means that they were free to people who qualified by being employed in certain industries) we really couldn't tell where the guy(or guys) were--above and beyond the magazine--and the thing is that the person was recieving the magazine and the packets because they had requested it--

I remember a rubber stamp with the finger, but I don't know that I remember Winston Churchill--anyway--

For what it is worth, advertising keeps the economy moving and growing, and, in its place, is a good thing, however, I think the place ought to be restricted to magazines, newspapers, and TV(TV ads tend to be better than the programming, so they probably ought to stay). I hate the fact that my in-box is suffocated with gambling opportunities, penis extension kits, a and opportunities to make $10-50,000 in the next 30 days. I also hate the fact that there are ads on the mats in the bottom of urinals(though it is a fitting place), and that I get recorded phone advertisements in addition to the almost daily solicitations for long distance and aluminum siding--

Except for the fact that the song is totally un-memorable, the music to that Faith Hill Pepsi ad would drive me crazy--