The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37908   Message #530576
Posted By: catspaw49
17-Aug-01 - 10:17 PM
So who else were you expecting to start such a thread?

Now I know it's pretty common around here to praise the livin' bejesus out of Max for all he has done. A lot of you never tell the lad the truth though........You know some things are best left unsaid..........Right? Of course that's right, unless you're which case I figure I might as well make a clean breast of things (emphasis on breast) and let the cow chips fall where they may, although I know that cow chips fall throughout the year and not just in May. Surely you have something that would qualify for giving the boy a swift kick in the nuts?!?!? Let me start you out:


1) He went to Penn State. Very little needs to be added to that as matriculating from the damn place is almost like a kick in the gonads to begin with.

2) He is young........dammit...........Well, there should be some kinda' law about having wisdom before you're 30. Now most of us around here can't even see 30 in the friggin' rear view mirror, so when this young whelp makes some really wise utterance, I just want to kick him in the ass so hard he'll have to take his hat off to shit.

3) MaryMac has been on the Radio Show for over a year and every week I'm in chat trying to get Max to do a u-trou check on her to be sure her underwear are clean. Has he done it? NOT EVEN ONCE!!! I beg, I plead, and what do I get? Nadig, zilch, zero, nothing..........And this is important too. At MM's advancing age she might end up in a hospital at any time (gawd knows I have) and I know that with her CRS (Can't Remember Shit) acting up the way it does, fouled drawers might be quite embarassing to her in the ER. Personally, I solved this problem by not wearing underwear. The first thing an ER does is strip your ass buck naked so what the hell? But I'd think that as a courtesy to MaryMac and myself, he could make this part of the weekly routine.

4) He has resolutely refused to blow up a possum's ass. This has been very upsetting to Cleigh O'Possum. As an "Icon of Mudcat" Cleigh is broken hearted that the site owner can't see his way clear to want to give him a little blow up the bum. Cleigh was at the point of hiring Cletus to blast the Max balls for such an affront, but he's such a nice little possum that he felt bad for even having such thoughts. Now whenever he hears Max's name he becomes quite melancholy. I hate to see the little guy in such a state so this makes another good reason for a kick to the 'nads.

5) Max has created a site here that is as close to a real community as it gets in the cyberworld and it has drawn some intelligent, talented, loving, knowledgeable, and caring folks to this little village (I'm not one of them, but screw that). These folks will tackle almost anything and bring their 3-D lives here too in many cases. For many it has become a place where they can find help for things from music to their 3-D lives and it is one of the best things about the 'Cat......And yet............The dumbass site owner refuses to use it and participate when it might be a good idea. Gawd knows we have some discussions around here where I would value the little whippersnapper's ideas and feelings and knowledge. Sometimes he might value mine.....Well, not mine, but somebody's. But where is he? I dunno'.......Probably out with Mrs. Palmer and her daughters...................


Hope this gets us off to a good start!!! I have given you FIVE GOLD PLATED REASONS to give Mr. Spiegel a kick in the crotch........Anybody else?

