The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37444   Message #530677
Posted By: The Shambles
18-Aug-01 - 04:00 AM
Thread Name: Council Bans Morris Part 2
Subject: RE: Council Bans Morris Part 2
The sad thing is that events way back in January presented our council with the opportunity to lead the way with a policy that would be popular as well as in keeping with the general way things were moving anyway. I suggested the good PR that would come from this.

They did not to do this and now find themselves leading the way and 'sticking their necks out', in this hard-line approach and trying to get others to follow this example, despite the mess this policy has got them into.

It would be useful indeed to hear from anyone who lives where their council does not have this stance?

The 'blind eye' can only work up to the point where an event is pointed out to an authority. You cannot advertise the event, so as not to risk this. Why should these important cutural events skulk around in the dark, in fear of council officers anyway? It is the elected council members that make policy. Why not get them to do this and 'call off the dogs'?

If you live in such a place, ask them what they will do at this point? For it only takes another envious licensee or a chance remark to bring it to their officer's attention, what will they do do then?

The idea that our council is rare, does not agree with the case book from all around the country, of silly actions taken against licensees that Hamish Birchall is compiling........

I relied on the common sense and integrity of my council, I suggest that you do not rely on yours for too long.

The test is what happens when an authority finds itself in this position? Why not ask your councillor now, before this happens and prevent the machine from just rolling over us all.