The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #204   Message #531
Posted By:
24-Nov-96 - 01:43 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Mist Covered Mountains of Home
Subject: RE: Lyric Req: Mist Covered Mountains
Hey, Ian! My name's Michael. I can get you those lyrics. I don't have them right now. It's late, I was just browsing. Go figure. The one night I leave home without the words to that song!! At any rate, I've got them in a book by Pete Kennedy I'm pretty sure; and also in the liner notes to the Talitha McKenzie, Martin Swann recording Mouth Music. It's a beautiful piece and her treatment of it is esp nice. It was one of Pres Kennedys favorites. I'll try to get those out to you. Just out of curiosity, would you happen to have the lyrics to either of two pieces of Mouth Music I'm looking for: Fionnaghuala (Bothy Band) or a piece by Dolores Keane and John Faulkner called simply Mouth Music. It's in the Scots dialect, not gaelic. And there's a line in it which goes something like, "Dance to your shadow, and, it's good to be living, lad..." Very exciting piece, but I just can't puzzle out the lyrics. Thanks, Michael!