The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37908   Message #531550
Posted By: katlaughing
19-Aug-01 - 11:42 PM
Why, Amosdarlin...I am flattered, 'course it still won't get you a peak past the tin lids! (That's a tall order for this time of night, but I'll try to do my best.:-)

Now as for the analyzation going on, I note, first of all, that it is being presented strictly by those of the male species, in the proscribed patriarchal manner which, to put it simply, focuses on one thing and one thing only, i.e. little boys' obsessions with whose member is largest. This can be traced back to the early days of their boyhood when they felt inadequate in expressions of love and affection, knowing that any cucumber, even most carrots, were larger and could fill the whole realm of what was within their grasp.

This lack then led to the inward seclusion under covers of bed and night when each met up with the correct dimensional Mrs. Palm and her lovely daughters who, in a lonely, yet gratifying imitation of their dreams, at least was able to satisfy their urgent needs for expelling.

However, Obsessive Comparison Syndrome remained, exacerbating inadequacies and, as such boys grew to a supposed manhood, they found bigger and better substitutes to make up for their lack of large personal equipment; thus we trace the Age of Patriarchal Obsessive Comparison Syndrome through the ages into all realms of commerce, education, and conquest. Indeed whole societies followed this misplaced hormonal drive in an almost worshipful frenzy of phallic like weaponry, architecture, and even toys, thus completing the circle of obsession passing it on to their sons, yes, even unto the seventh son of the seventh son, in some cases.

It is this unbalance in humankind which has also contributed to the repression of women's natural abilities, except in certain Obsessive Comparison Syndrome Free Zones, which, spurred on by the rise of matriarchy, have contributed to some male members breaking free and learning to accept themselves and value themselves no matter the size of their hands and dangly bits. (See the study, Parts is parts: accepting your John Thomas! by Masters and Johnson.)

Indeed, with proper treatment, there is hope for most, but it could take years of living in a controlled environment; an environment free of all phallic symbols, filled with yonis, which are open and accepting. In such a matriarchal setting balance can be restored within, dare we say it, our whole of society and we may find ourselves free of all Obsessive Comparison Syndromes, even those which have been foisted upon women through the machinations of the soon to be dead Patriarchal Age.

So, join me Brothers and Sisters in a New Age of Wonder. Be Free of your compulsions and, Brothers, in the immortal words of that character which Robin Williams played so well, "let your little MAN free!"

Lucretia De Mont, Ph.D, Order of Matriarchs
Founding Member of Kat's Free-Fall Weight Lifting, Banjo-Playing, Kami-Kaze Bellee Dancing Team
Distinguished member of the Liberated Oracle at Delphi Society, and
Founding member of Patriarchal Obsessive Comparison Syndrome Free Lesbos

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