The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37960   Message #531831
Posted By: harpgirl
20-Aug-01 - 12:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Insects in tents
Subject: RE: BS: Insects in tents
I consider myself an expert on this subject! DLL's are welcome to share my lodgings as long as they don't crawl on my face or arms. They can be reasoned with as they are quite sentient. Just tell them your terms!

Mosquitoes are horribly little creatures! They spread diseases such as West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, Malaria and who knows what else. They are bloodthirsty little animals and they should be murdered!!!! They do not deserve to live!!!

Brown Recluse spiders love to hide in shoes and sometimes sleeping bags. Check yours vigorously before retiring. They eat holes in your flesh.

Earwigs are just annoying and do not really bore into one's ears. They can be swept out or get a chicken to hang around your tent.

Scorpions also like shoes. Watch out in Florida! Their poisonous sting will make you miserable. Carry Benadryl.

No see-ums have no natural enemies and will consume you in the South (and all over the rest of your body) regardless of what netting you use.

House flies also like tents, forecastles, and any place with sweating bodies. They should also be murdered! They are tone deaf and always play one off-key note! Murder them!

Hope this helps! I would still rather sleep outdoors though. The whipporwills, hawks and owls and the wind along the riverbank, you know....harpgirl