The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37960   Message #532096
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Aug-01 - 07:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Insects in tents
Subject: RE: BS: Insects in tents
That camel spider is a seriously ugly critter! I saw some scorpions in Cuba, but the camel spider is far uglier.

You've had all the sensible suggestions about keeping insects out of your tent. Here are some less sensible ones:

1. Set the tent on fire. All the insects will either flee or be consumed in the flames. Presto. No insects.

2. Use a hand grenade. Pull the pin and throw the grenade into the tent, taking cover behind your car or a large tree trunk. Insects will be eliminated.

3. Tent above the snowline, a la Edmund Hilary. Very few if any insects will ever be found in your tent.

4. Place tent inside a microwave, and put on "cook" for at least 5 minutes. Any insects found afterward can safely be eaten.

5. Immerse tent in water for 5 minutes. Kills most kinds of insect pests. Boiling water is more effective.

6. Fold tent up and run over it with a road flattening machine several times. Insects will be squashed.

7. Rig tent up to some high tension wires and electrocute the little rascals!

8. Place tent on a military bombing range at ground zero and wait. Sooner or later Big Brother will eliminate those nasty bugs for you. Consider it your tax dollars at work. :-)

- LH