The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37960   Message #533155
Posted By: Troll
22-Aug-01 - 09:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Insects in tents
Subject: RE: BS: Insects in tents
I use a citronella "bucket" inside a larger bucket in the tent when we're not there. At night, after we have finally gone to bed, the tent is zipped up and the flame extinguished.
This has worked well for me for years here in Florida and other places as well. I've never used the coils but I have friends who swear by them.
Harpgirl, you forgot deerflies on your list of Florida insects. The Memsahib is very allergic to their bites. We found that swabing the bite immediately with household ammonia lessens the swelling and pain. We also use Benedryl in moderation. Otherwise, she goes to sleep for the duration of the weekend.
When we were in Siberia last summer, we ran into the biggest, most agressive mosquitos that I have ever see. the locals call them "flying piranah". The other bad insect was the horse-fly. They bit hard.
