The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38039   Message #533294
Posted By: Peter T.
22-Aug-01 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: Laura Bush: The Existentialist Speaks
Subject: RE: Laura Bush: The Existentialist Speaks
The Elements of Style (Strunk and White): "I don't know about this book. It seemed to start and stop, and never really got going. I couldn't follow the plot, though some of it was very well written."

The Sun Also Rises: "Another cheerful book with sun in the title. Paris, Spain, what more could you want? I think with some counselling, the main character, Jake, ought to be able to get over his shyness. Certainly the woman is fascinating enough for any man!"

The Great Gatsby: "Certainly one of the hero's problems is that he wasn't a very good host. He seems to wander away from his parties, leaves his guests on their own, lets them linger on far too long. He says at one point that his aim is to get Daisy to come to his parties, that is why he holds them. I suspect that she heard that they were not that well-managed. Men are not very good at parties, I am afraid: it needs a woman's touch."

Frankenstein: "It gave me a lot of insight into medical schools in Europe, the obvious difficulties with socialized medicine, and how much easier it is for insurance companies and HMO's here to carve up their different responsibilities for coverage."